الرقم المجاني: +971 565 496491
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Delivery Time
An estimated delivery time will be provided to you once your order is placed. Delivery times are estimates and commence from the date of shipping, rather than the date of order. Delivery times are to be used as a guide only and are subject to the acceptance and approval of your order. The delivery time is mostly in 2 to 3 working days.
Our return and refund policy aims to facilitate our customers who made some purchase at our website but now have changed their mind. We cordially accept returns and initiate exchange/ refunds. However, we would like to mention few conditions to make the whole process transparent and hassle free. Please take care of these conditions before you make some return and request exchange or refund:
· Return absolutely anything within 3 business days after you received your order.
· No return, exchange or refund requests will be entertained without original invoice.
· Either you are looking for an exchange or return; the returned product must be in its original condition, not used, not opened (original seals intact and not broken) and should be in same condition when it was sold.
· The buyer should contact manufacturer directly in case of any defect with a brand new item.
· We will exchange the item in case the received item is defective but out of warranty.
· There will be 15% restocking fee in case the buyer doesn’t accept exchange and request refund.
· The actual shipping and handling cost will be deducted from refund amount in addition to restocking fee even in case of free shipping offered while placing the order
Once we receive item returned for exchange or refund we will inform you that we have received your request and if it qualifies or not for exchange/refund. Once your request is approved you will be notified and can exchange the product of same value and in case of refunds will receive the Full Refund within 7 business days for Cash on Delivery Orders (CoD). Refunds against credit cards or any other payment method you will receive based on your credit card issuer/bank/service policies.
Please Note: Under this policy below products do not qualify for return, exchange or refund.
· All type of accessories
· Laptops
· Monitors
· Consumable Products
· Ink Cartridges
Note: Once you make a purchase at Amtradez.com , it implies you agree to the above stated terms
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