How To Choose A Digital Camera
A person with a digital camera can use it for different purposes, such as capturing memories and taking photos as a hobby. As our smartphones also take good pictures, but it is not a dedicated device for taking pictures. If you are looking forward to taking quality pictures, then digital cameras are best for you. You can easily buy cameras online at the best prices in UAE.
The main types of digital cameras are:
- Point and shoot
- Bridge cameras
Each digital camera has advantages and disadvantages, so you have to choose wisely which type of camera is best for you according to your needs. The following points will help you to select a digital camera.
DSLR (digital single-lens reflect)
DSLR comes with many features such as
RAW and JPEG picture format
Most of the cameras capture pictures in JPEG format. It is a compressed file of images that ensures the file size is not too big. This feature is essential if you want to take many photos while travelling or in any event. While RAW files contain information of all the images, you can quickly go for it if you’re going to edit pictures in the future. It is vital if you want to take photography as a profession and sell your images, then you can edit a large number of images. -
Interchangeable lens
DSLR comes with an interchangeable lens that means you can easily use any lens on the camera body according to the need of the picture. - Video recording (DSLR helps in recording HD video)
Full frame and cropped sensor
If you want to use a DSLR professionally, you should buy a full-frame feature camera; otherwise, go for cropped sensor feature. It will cut the images from the edges.
The DSLR also has some extra features such as it has a built-in flash, touch screen, GPS, WIFI, Dual memory card, dust and water resistance. On DSLR cameras, we can shoot 500 snaps with a single charge. All these features are good, but you have to pay for them.
Point and Shoot
Point and shoot cameras are straightforward to use and provide a high-quality picture at an affordable price. If you want to capture an image, you only need to press the shutter button. The images that are captured by point and shoot cameras are high quality and with good color representation.
It has the following features:
Megapixel count
Although it is not true that the greater the megapixels of the camera better the image will be, the sensor size of the camera is important for good photos. You should consider the point and shoot camera if you want to take pictures in low light .you can buy a point and shoot camera online at the best price in Dubai. If you want a full-focused picture, look for a small sensor to zoom the image without blurring. -
Viewfinders and LCD screen
Most of the point and shoot cameras do not have viewfinders. Instead of viewfinders, they have an LCD screen, which provides a better framing of pictures -
Image stabilization feature
While clicking a picture, the picture might get blurred, but this feature ensures that the image is perfect even after any shake.
Point and shoot cameras also have some extra features such as wireless connectivity, face recognition. This camera is suitable for non-professional use and if you want to take good photos within your budget. Point and shoot cameras battery ends after taking 200 snaps.
Bridge cameras
Bridge cameras do not have interchangeable lenses; it has a fixed lens which has a considerable focal length it means you can take shots of large sceneries and landscapes. It is used for taking nice close-ups of pictures. The main advantage of buying a bridge camera is that you don’t have to carry extra lenses with you. Still, if you talk about the quality, it is not like the DSLR’s camera, and it isn’t easy to carry with you as bridge cameras are large. The bridge camera is in between the DSLR camera and the point and shoot camera. This camera is suitable for beginners and also for wildlife photography. You can easily buy digital cameras at the best price in the UAE. If you want to do photography within your budget, then this is the best option for you.
By reading this article, you will choose the right type of camera for you, depending upon the type of photography you want to do.